Tree trimming

Professional Tree And Shrub Trimming Services

Turn to the experienced staff at Josh's Tree Service for prompt and affordable tree trimming services. Our professionals know how to trim trees properly. We have large boom trucks that clean, trim, and cut back trees of all heights and proportions so that your property can look neat and clean.

Speak to Joshua Howard about your tree trimming needs by calling

315-858-3239 or e-mail him at .

Get Healthy Trees And Shrubs With Regular Trimming

Some local trees can grow to great heights. Not trimming the top allows weak limbs to grow. Thus, on windy days, these branches can break off, damaging property and hurting people. Prevent this from happening by hiring us TODAY!

Convenient Tree And Shrub Trimming In Burlington Flats

  • Shrub pruning
  • Tree care
  • Lot clearing
  • Tree removal

On-site Supervision Of Every Job We Conduct

When you hire us, you can be sure that you'll get the highest level of professionalism. Our owner is present on every job site to ensure the work is carried out to perfection. And once we're done with the job, we'll clean up the yard so well that you won't even realize we were ever there!

Tree trimming
Tree trimming
Tree trimming
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